Results for 'Rodrigo Ahumada Duran'

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  1. De l'historiographie à l'épistémologie de l'histoire, Problèmes et défis du savoir historique.Rodrigo Ahumada Duran - 2002 - Revue Thomiste 102 (3):454-470.
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    Does it really pay to be good, everywhere? A first step to understand the corporate social and financial performance link in Latin American controversial industries.Pablo Rodrigo, Ignacio J. Duran & Daniel Arenas - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (3):286-309.
    Most research studying the corporate social performance –corporate financial performance link has utilized developed country samples. Also, this literature has generally focused on a wide variety of industries, ignoring the fact that certain sectors – such as controversial industries – have graver social and environmental issues. Hence, a gap exists in this tradition when it comes to emerging markets and controversial industries. This paper attempts to fill this void by providing preliminary evidence and insight on the matter. Based on an (...)
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    Be bad but look good: Can controversial industries enhance corporate reputation through CSR initiatives?Claudio Aqueveque, Pablo Rodrigo & Ignacio J. Duran - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (3):222-237.
    Even though the link between perceived corporate social responsibility fit and corporate reputation has received much attention from scholars, this tradition has ignored that the underpinnings of this association vary depending on the particular characteristics of each industry under study. To delve into this matter, we investigate in the increasingly relevant context of controversial industries how PCSR-fit could enhance corporate reputation and which are the mediating mechanisms of this association. Our academic contribution is twofold. First, we find that controversial sectors (...)
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    Scientific Research on Nanotechnology in Latin American Journals Published in SciELO: Bibliometric Analysis of Gender Differences.Elizabeth Duran, Katherine Astroza, Jaime Ocaranza-Ozimica, Damary Peñailillo, Iskra Pavez-Soto & Rodrigo Ramirez-Tagle - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (2):113-118.
    Papers on nanotechnology in the Scientific Electronic Library Online database were studied bibliometrically. The terms ‘nanotechnology’, ‘nanoparticle’, ‘graphene’, ‘fullerene’, ‘nanotube’ and ‘quantum dot’ were used for the search in their singular and plural forms in three languages, and a total of 1205 papers were selected for the study to assess the frequency rates of the study variables. The results of the study are presented in this article focusing on gender differences.
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    Do employees value strategic CSR? A tale of affective organizational commitment and its underlying mechanisms.Pablo Rodrigo, Claudio Aqueveque & Ignacio J. Duran - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):459-475.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  6. Experimentación, materialidad y simulaciones computacionales.Pío García, Juan M. Durán & José Ahumada - 2003 - In A. Torrano & A. Passos Videira, Representación en Ciencia y Arte. Editorial Brujas. pp. 73-82.
  7. Can a Skeptic Be a Reformer? Skepticism in Morals and Politics during the Enlightenment: The Case of Voltaire.Rodrigo Brandão - 2015 - In John Christian Laursen & Gianni Paganini, Skepticism and political thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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    Androcentrism as a fallacy of argumentation.Catherine Hundleby & Claudio Duran - unknown
    The deep operation of androcentrism in scientific argumentation demands recognition as a form of fallacy. On Walton’s account, fallacies are serious mistakes in argumentation that employ presumptions acceptable in other circumstances. There are only isolated cases in which androcentric pre-sumptions are acceptable, and I argue that androcentrism affects an overarching theme of generalization in science rather than an isolated scheme. Androcentrism is related to other ways of treating privileged people as exemplary humans, whose negative impact on processes of argumentation can (...)
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    El Significado de la Negación Paraconsistente.Gladys Palau & Cecilia Duran - 2009 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 13 (3):357-370.
    This work agrees and supports the I. Hacking’s thesis regarding the meaningof the logical constants accordingly with Gentzen’s Introduction and Elimination Rules of Sequent Calculus, corresponding with the abstract conception of the notion of logical consequence. We would like to ask for the minimum rules that must satisfy a connective in order to be considered as a genuine negation. Mainly, we will refer to both da Costa’s C-Systems and Priest’s LP system. Finally, we will analyze the presentations of these systems (...)
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  10. No reason to focus on emotional episodes.Rodrigo Díaz - forthcoming - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum.
    Christine Tappolet’s book Philosophy of Emotion: A contemporary introduction, and many other works in emotion theory, focus primarily on emotional episodes at the expense of so-called “emotional dispositions.” I argue that there are no reasons for theories of emotion to focus on emotional episodes, or to reserve the term “emotion” for emotional episodes.
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  11. Reasons for Fear: Against the Reactive Theory of Emotion.Rodrigo Díaz & Christine Tappolet - forthcoming - In Ami Harbin, The Philosophy of Fear: Historical and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Bloomsbury.
    It is often claimed that fear has an important epistemological function in making us aware of danger. Reactive theories challenge this view. According to them, fear is a response to real or apparent danger. In other words, real or apparent danger is the reason for which we experience fear. Thus, fear depends on awareness of danger instead of making us aware of danger. Proponents of the reactive theory have appealed to phenomenological and, most prominently, linguistic observations to support their views. (...)
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    Listeners invest in an assumed other’s perspective despite cognitive cost.Nicholas D. Duran, Rick Dale & Roger J. Kreuz - 2011 - Cognition 121 (1):22-40.
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  13. Descartes: Las intuiciones modales y la inteligencia artificial clásica.Rodrigo González - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 32:181-198.
    Descartes niega que una máquina pueda ser inteligente, pues los mecanismos son predecibles, inflexibles y limitados. Los seguidores de la Inteligencia Artificial clásica (o IA fuerte) argumentan lo contrario. Pese a esto, Descartes y la IA proponen que la mente podría no estar adscrita a propiedades físicas, posibilidad explorada por el primero a partir de una intuición modal que separa mente y cuerpo. La IA fuerte se acerca a esta tesis cuando reduce la mente a una Máquina de Turing cuya (...)
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  14.  10
    Convergencias y diferencias entre el pensamiento complejo y la ecología de saberes.Rodrigo Severo Arce Rojas - 2020 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 29:69-91.
    El presente artículo de revisión analiza las convergencias y diferencias entre el pensamiento complejo y laecología de saberes con el propósito de explorar posibilidades de complementación y sinergias en el marco de una epistemología crítica. Para tal efecto se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica apoyada por los métodos deductivo y hermenéutico. Para la caracterización del pensamiento complejo se ha revisado la obra de Edgar Morin y otros autores como Boaventura de Sousa Santos. De la revisión se concluye que tanto el (...)
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  15. Text and learner characteristics that affect learning from academic texts.Sr Goldman & Rp Duran - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):332-332.
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    Referencialisimo Critico: Le Teoria Reflexivo Referencial Del Significado.Kepa Korta & Rodrigo Agerri (eds.) - 2007 - Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    En este libro, John Perry elabora una teoria "reflexivo-referencial" de los indexicos, los demostrativos y los nombres propios. La Filosofia del Lenguaje del siglo veinte se vio condicionada por dos tradiciones enfrentadas en torno a esos temas: el descriptivismo y el referencialismo. Los textos referecialistas clasicos de, entre otros, Saul Kripke, Keith Donnellan y David Kaplan son de los anos 70. Curiosamente, parece que ya habian sido refutados casi un siglo antes por los problemas de co-referencia y no-referencia planteados por (...)
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  17. Native American Postcolonial Psychology.Eduardo Duran & Bonnie Duran - 1995 - SUNY Press.
    "This book presents a theoretical discussion of problems and issues encountered in the Native American community from a perspective that accepts Native knowledge as legitimate. Native American cosmology and metaphor are used extensively in order to deal with specific problems such as alcoholism, suicide, family, and community problems. The authors discuss what it means to present material from the perspective of a people who have legitimate ways of knowing and conceptualizing reality and show that it is imperative to understand intergenerational (...)
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  18. Sobre el impacto judicial de la concepción racionalista de la prueba.Rodrigo Coloma, Jorge Larroucau & Andrés Páez - 2024 - Revus 52.
    La literatura sobre razonamiento probatorio busca incidir en la determinación de los hechos en los procesos judiciales. Para alcanzar dicho propósito, no basta con dirigir la mirada hacia disciplinas extrajurídicas exitosas e integrar lo que de ellas pueda extraerse a las teorías jurídicas de la prueba y a la práctica judicial. Es necesario, además, considerar el tipo de hechos a probar, los roles de las reglas jurídicas aplicables, y asumir que litigantes y jueces, actuando en un contexto institucional, podrán ser (...)
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    Moderate innatism and the political projections of the homeostatic imperative.Rodrigo Sebastián Braicovich - 2024 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29 (3):93-106.
    The aim of the paper is to offer a critical analysis of the political projections that Antonio Damasio has put forward of his specific conception of homeostasis. By starting from a complex conception of homeostasis, one that focuses not only on the maintenance of life but also on flourishing, Damasio argues that certain cultures are contrary to the homeostatic imperative. I will suggest that, even if we adopt the complex interpretation of homeostasis (rather than the deflated one that is usual (...)
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    (1 other version)Ética y Libertad: La pars construens de la filosofía foucaultiana.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2006 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 62:117-138.
    El artículo aborda el sentido de la cuestión ética dentro del pensamiento de Foucault. En primer lugar, identificamos dos críticas dentro de su obra: al sujeto como categoría y al sujeto como producto de relaciones de poder y saber. Tales críticas operarían como condición de posibilidad de la pregunta por la ética. Posteriormente, estudiamos la genealogía de esta nueva dimensión de lo ético, analizando sus diversas configuraciones históricas. De dicho trabajo surge la necesidad de actualizar una estética de la existencia. (...)
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  21. Freedom, determinism, and causality de Elliott Sober.Rodrigo Cid - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (3):348-350.
    A primeira tese de Sober é que não podemos agir livremente, a não ser que o Argumento da Causalidade ou o Argumento da Inevitabilidade tenham alguma falha. O Argumento da Causalidade é o seguinte: nossos estados mentais causam movimentos corporais; mas nossos estados mentais são causados por fatores do mundo físico. Nossa personalidade pode ser reconduzida à nossa experiência e à nossa genética. E tanto a experiência quanto a genética foram causados por itens do mundo físico. Assim, o meio ambiente (...)
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  22. The necessary and the possible de Michael Loux.Rodrigo Cid - 2011 - Filosofia Unisinos 12 (3).
    Neste capítulo, Loux apresenta alguns problemas com relação às modalidades e algumas das relações entre elas e o vocabulário dos mundos possíveis, expondo as duas principais posições ontológicas com relação a tais mundos e às modalidades e com relação à natureza das modalidades, a saber, o possibilismo e o actualismo, defendidos respectivamente por Lewis e Plantinga. Essas são teorias inconsistentes entre si, que intentam nos dizer se os mundos possíveis são concretos ou abstratos e se existe algo além do que (...)
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    Early English Empiricism and the Work of Catharine Trotter Cockburn.Jane Duran - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (4):485-495.
    This article examines the work of the seventeenth-century thinker Catharine Trotter Cockburn with an eye toward explication of her trenchant empiricism, and the foundations upon which it rested. It is argued that part of the originality of Cockburn's work has to do with her consistent line of thought with regard to evidence from the senses and the process of abstract conceptualization; in this she differed strongly from some of her contemporaries. The work of Martha Brandt Bolton and Fidelis Morgan is (...)
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    Developing a Sustainability Credit Score System.Rodrigo Zeidan, Claudio Boechat & Angela Fleury - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):283-296.
    Within the banking community, the argument about sustainability and profitability tends to be inversely related. Our research suggests this does not need to be strictly the case. We present a credit score system based on sustainability issues, which is used as criteria to improve financial institutions’ lending policies. The Sustainability Credit Score System is based on the analytic hierarchy process methodology. Its first implementation is on the agricultural industry in Brazil. Three different firm development paths are identified: business as usual, (...)
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    Philosophies of science/feminist theories.Jane Duran - 1998 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    This book presents the current feminist critique of science and the philosophy of science in such a way that students of philosophy of science, philosophers, feminist theorists, and scientists will find the material accessible and intellectually rigorous.Contemporary feminist debate, as well as the debate brought on by the radical critics of science, assumes—incorrectly—that certain movements in philosophy of science and science-driven theory are understood in their dynamics as well as in their details. All too often, labels such as “Kuhnian” or (...)
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    Expertise and Error in Diagnostic Reasoning.Paul E. Johnson, Alica S. Duran, Frank Hassebrock, James Moller, Michael Prietula, Paul J. Feltovich & David B. Swanson - 1981 - Cognitive Science 5 (3):235-283.
    An investigation is presented in which a computer simulation model (DIAGNOSER) is used to develop and test predictions for behavior of subjects in a task of medical diagnosis. The first experiment employed a process‐tracing methodology in order to compare hypothesis generation and evaluation behavior of DIAGNOSER with individuals at different levels of expertise (students, trainees, experts). A second experiment performed with only DIAGNOSER identified conditions under which errors in reasoning in the first experiment could be related to interpretation of specific (...)
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    Influence of Sexual Genotype and Gender Self-Perception on Sociosexuality and Self-Esteem among Transgender People.Rodrigo de Menezes Gomes, Fívia de Araújo Lopes & Felipe Nalon Castro - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (4):483-496.
    Empirical data from studies with both heterosexual and homosexual individuals have consistently indicated different tendencies in mating behavior. However, transgenders’ data are often overlooked. This exploratory study compared levels of sociosexuality and self-esteem between transgenders and non-transgender (cisgender) individuals. The aim was to verify whether either sexual genotype or gender self-perception had more influence on the examined variables in transgenders. Correlations between self-esteem and sociosexuality levels were also investigated. The sample consisted of 120 Brazilian individuals (51 transgenders) from both sexes. (...)
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    Republicanismo e participação política: elementos republicanos na concepção de “democracia aberta”, de Hélène Landemore.Rodrigo Ribeiro de Sousa - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 40 (1):19-31.
    O domínio persistente das elites políticas no âmbito de diferentes governos representativos contemporâneos, aliado à descaracterização da natureza programática dos partidos políticos têm levado a uma intensa reflexão, nos últimos anos, acerca dos limites e capacidades da democracia como sistema de governo. Problemas como a persistência de profundas desigualdades sociais e a incapacidade de inclusão das minorias – e até mesmo de maiorias, como no caso brasileiro – apontam para um processo de “oligarquização” das democracias, marcado por uma tentativa de (...)
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  29. El compatibilismo humeano y la teoría del carácter.Rodrigo Sebastián Braicovich - 2013 - Diálogo Filosófico 86 (86):301-324.
    En el presente artículo intento señalar una serie de dificultades implícitas en la teoría del carácter desarrollada por David Hume, y, por extensión, en su propuesta compatibilista. Sugeriré que el rechazo humeano de todo concepto metafísico de causalidad pone a Hume en una posición problemática, en tanto sólo puede ofrecer como alternativa una concepción de causalidad (demasiado fuerte para un libertario y demasiado débil para un determinista) que difícilmente puede constituirse en la base de su propia teoría del carácter. -/- (...)
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    Culture, Image and Power: Endless Visualities in Global Society.Rodrigo Bruera - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:55-75.
    El presente artículo propone pensar las imágenes y su impacto a nivel global a partir del análisis de fotografías icónicas que quedaron en el imaginario de las sociedades occidentales de los siglos XX y XXI. A partir de los aportes teóricos propuestos por Leonor Arfuch, quien pretende mirar el mundo con otros ojos, y realizando una vinculación entre violencia, poder, cultura y medios, se presenta un breve análisis discursivo —a partir de la perspectiva marxista y sociohistórica de Voloshinov y su (...)
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    Epistemic Challenges to Moral Expressivism.Rodrigo Valencia Pacheco - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (11):e70011.
    We ordinarily use epistemic concepts to evaluate our moral views. We know certain things are wrong, we are sometimes uncertain about the morally best thing to do, we think there are rational and irrational ways of reaching moral conclusions, etc. Like most meta ethicists, expressivists aim to explain this; they want to offer accounts of our moral thought, talk, and practice. However, most expressivists think moral thought and talk are fundamentally non-representational or desire-like. Critics have argued that this makes the (...)
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  32. Eudaimonia y teología en Epicteto.Rodrigo Sebastián Braicovich - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 43 (131):135-150.
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  33. Algunos límites de la interculturalidad.Miquel Rodrigo Alsina - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 58:97-105.
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    San Pablo en San Agustín.Angel Benito Y. Durán - 1964 - Augustinus 9 (33):5-36.
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    Periodismo ético, poder y ciudadanía: las tesis de Walter Lippmann en Liberty and the News.Rodrigo Fidel Rodríguez Borges - 2012 - Dilemata 8:153-167.
    Este texto revisa las principales aportaciones de Walter Lippmann contenidas en su obra Libertad y prensa, de reciente aparición en lengua castellana. Publicado originalmente en 1920, el libro de Lippmann nos permite conocer sus agudas reflexiones acerca de las relaciones entre medios de comunicación, opinión pública y clase política. El estudio de esas relaciones ocupa una parte fundamental de la obra ensayística de Lippmann, cuya vigencia y vitalidad permanecen hoy inalteradas. Lippmann no fue sólo el columnista político más influyente del (...)
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    Ockham E a função da abstração.Rodrigo Guerizoli - 2011 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 16 (1):10-5216.
    A abstração foi tradicionalmente considerada um elemento essencial de qualquer teoria do conhecimento que negasse que somos capazes de possuir uma apreensão intelectual imediata das coisas materiais. Desde um ponto de vista histórico, porém, esse cenário de alternativa – ou abstração ou apreensão intelectual imediata das coisas materiais – não foi assumido por diversos autores do século XIV. O objetivo do presente estudo é elucidar o como e o porquê de um desse s autores, Guilherme de Ockham (ca. 1285-1347), ter (...)
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    La interpretación de San Agustín por parte de Calvino y Jansenio.José Antonio Galindo Rodrigo - 2005 - Augustinus 50 (198):397-405.
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  38. Mecanismos de crecimiento del árbol de la vida: Lamarckismo y Darwinismo en nuestros días.Marcelino Arraz Rodrigo - 1992 - Revista Agustiniana 33 (100):307-335.
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  39. Mary Astell: A pre-Humean Christian empiricist and feminist.Jane Duran - 2000 - In Cecile Thérèse Tougas & Sara Ebenreck, Presenting women philosophers. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 147--154.
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    Pentecostalismo clássico E valores de autonomia: Sobre O poder simbólico Das representações pentecostais.Dr Rodrigo Portella - 2012 - Revista de Teologia 6 (10):03-15.
    O artigo visa analisar como as representações simbólicas da teologia pentecostal clássica, e a vivência comunitária no pentecostalismo clássico, ajudam as pessoas excluídas, cultural, econômica e socialmente a encontrarem um espaço onde lhes é oferecido autonomia. A análise refere-se ao pentecostalismo clássico, ou seja, se busca na tipologia clássica da Assembléia de Deus as representações simbólicas para a construção das argumentações do texto. Referencia-se, o artigo, em autores consagrados que estudaram o pentecostalismo de matriz clássica.
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    El concepto de amistad en Kant.Almudena Rivadulla Durán - 2019 - Isegoría 61:463-481.
    The kantian concept of friendship has been recently but yet scarcely studied. However, it has its place as the conclusion of the doctrine of virtue, which gives it some prominence. This article argues that the kantian approach to friendship, as it emerges from the analysis of the texts of the Metaphysics of Morals and the Lectures on Ethics, involves elements that connect with our contemporary sensibility and, far from being a marginal concept in his ethical philosophy, represents one of its (...)
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    Π2-rule systems and inductive classes of Gödel algebras.Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (4):103552.
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    La influencia aristotélica en la conceptualización de la performatividad en Butler.Rodrigo Alexis González Oliva - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (1):59-81.
    Proponemos revisar críticamente la conceptualización de la performatividad en Judith Butler durante los años 1990-2015. En este período Butler propone extender el alcance del concepto de J. L Austin a la teoría de género, sustituyendo la analítica del acto de habla en Austin por una analítica posestructural del poder. Butler usa críticamente la referencia al posestructuralismo y feminismo francés para reinterpretar la concepción aristotélica de la inteligibilidad del poder como materialización de una forma discursiva, subordinando a ella el alcance de (...)
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    On the Possibility and Impossibility of a Theoretical Dialogue between Nietzsche and Lacan.Rodrigo Farías Rivas - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400216.
    Resumo: O artigo examina os estudos contemporâneos na tentativa de uma convergência teórica entre a psicanálise lacaniana e a filosofia nietzschiana. São avaliadas as principais posições, ideias e argumentos desta bolsa. Ao fazê-lo, o problema filosófico que surge imediatamente diz respeito à própria possibilidade de tal diálogo teórico. A tese a ser desenvolvida é que semelhanças superficiais obscurecem divergências teóricas centrais e até mesmo ontológicas. Assim, além do exame crítico da literatura mencionada, o objetivo do artigo é iluminar essas tensões (...)
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    Intersubjetividades na educação.Rodrigo Danubio Queiroz - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (2):e-6977.
    O presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexão entre educação, conhecimento e ação, sob a perspectiva da abordagem fenomenológica-existencialista. Destaca a importância de atribuir significado e interpretar os fatos, ressaltando a singularidade do ser humano e sua capacidade de dar sentido ao processo educacional. Além disso, enfatiza a intersubjetividade, a alteridade e a responsabilidade na formação do eu e na compreensão do mundo. A fenomenologia é apresentada como uma abordagem que busca transcender dicotomias, destacando a interconexão entre o eu e o mundo. (...)
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    A contextualist modification of Cornman.Jane Duran - 1986 - Philosophia 16 (3-4):377-388.
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    Spirituality and post-graduate students’ attitudes towards blood donation.Rodrigo G. S. Almeida, Edson Z. Martinez, Alessandra Mazzo, Maria A. Trevizan & Isabel A. C. Mendes - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):392-400.
    College students have become more representative as blood donors, mainly to help other people. This study ascertained the association between spirituality and adherence or intention to donate blood in post-graduate students. In this quantitative and cross-sectional study, participants were 281 students from a post-graduate programme at a Brazilian public university. After complying with ethical requirements, data were collected through a questionnaire for sociodemographic characterization and identification of blood donation practices, followed by the Spiritual Well-Being Scale. Descriptive statistics and parametric tests (...)
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    Javier Fernández Sebastián. Key Metaphors for History. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2024, 338p. IBSN 9781138354463.Rodrigo Escribano Roca - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):148-154.
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    Del palimpsesto sobre la téchnē: una genealogía tras el arte y la técnica.Rodrigo Alejandro Solares Acevey - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (1):121-143.
    El presente artículo es una genealogía tras el sentido amplio del arte y la técnica al interior del palimpsesto lingüístico ‘técnica del arte’ considerando para ello los sentidos estético y técnico del arte y el sentido antiguo de la téchnē griega. Se propone que a través de la indagación genealógica sobre el palimpsesto en cuestión es posible dar cuenta de la propuesta heideggeriana sobre la téchnē griega. La téchnē, el arte y la técnica en sentido amplio son un saber que (...)
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    (1 other version)Teleologia e necessidade natural em Aristóteles.Rodrigo Romão de Carvalho - 2018 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 34 (2).
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